Family Ties: Alexa Roetger
Meet Alexa. Part of the beautiful team at Aesthetica and our key to the fountain of youth. Not only is she a talent and a half, but her unique, modern style is one we love. We took 5 with Alexa at Aesthetica to find out more about her life, the world of beauty, plus get some insight into her style.
Tell us a little bit about what you do:
I am a Cosmetic Nurse Injector and Business Owner of Aestheticá Byron Bay. My days are spent mostly doing cosmetic injectables; Dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections, chin sculpting or fat dissolving injections and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injecting and needling. I also still work as a registered nurse for an agency from time to time to keep my nursing skills up-to-date.
How did you get into beauty?
It had always been a long-term goal of mine to move out of primary nursing care to something more passive while still very patient care orientated. I love looking after people and making them feel good, hence the skin and aesthetic medicine industry has always interested me. The way I treat my clients is, as a whole, looking at the body as one large organism rather than different compartments. My goal was to create an intimate, beautiful and zen space with result driven treatments for patients from all demographics.
What part of your work do you love the most? Why?
The best part of my job is seeing my clients' reactions when their treatment results exceed their expectations, especially when I have treated something that has bothered them for a long time. Getting results gives me such a high, nothing really compares.
Describe your style in 3 words.
1. Tomboy (80% boy, 20% girl)
2. Constantly changing
3. Chameleon
How has your style changed from when you first started until now?
I have always been a bit of a chameleon, suiting my style to my surroundings or demographic that I'm living in at the time. I've always adjusted my style and adopted my own flare I suppose. I have certainly come a long way from my high waisted baby blue leather shorts and tight tops of years ago!
Tell us a bit about how you style your outfits.
I always try to wear conflicting styles together and pray that it works in my favour. My husband’s favourite statement is "but they don’t really go together". I am also a sucker for full matching outfits, too.
Tell us a little bit about living in Byron Bay? How long have you been living here? Any tips? etc.
I met my husband while visiting on a night out 9 years ago and been here ever since. We live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, so I guess my best advice is to not get too bitter with all the people visiting. Try and take it as a compliment, rather than personally.
What’s a typical day-in-the-life of Lex look like?
- Yoga at Creature
- Walk my dogs
- Coffee always
- Working in clinic
- Then usually try do some sort of activity to wind down after a long day. Infrared sauna at Nimbus & Co if I have had a long day and need a little energy boost. Or recently I have taken up skate boarding, wrist guards and all ;)
What do you do in your spare time?
Haha I used to have a lot more of it! When I am not in clinic I try and see as much live music as humanly possible. I also try and drive down the Gold Coast when I have a few days up my sleeve to get some space from our little Byron bubble. I spend a lot of my spare hours furthering my aesthetic studies, there is always room to learn - I love to study.
Some things inspiring you right now:
A close friend of mine was recently injured in a massive car accident - she virtually broke every bone in her body. She has had such a long road to recovery and I find her resilience to be so incredibly inspiring. She has come leaps and bounds, despite her injuries, and watching her recovery is so humbling.
Music you’re listening to right now:
Haha I tend to always lean toward old pop punk but I feel like I have a pretty fast palate when it comes to music. At the moment…
Ceres, Luca Brasi, Beach Slang, Slowly Slowly, Flying Machine, Modern Baseball, PLTS, Lime Cordiale are my highest rotation when looking at my Spotify.
2019 goals/plans/something you want to speak into existence:
Just looking forward to cultivating my business and watching it grow. I have been blown away by the amount of support we have had so far in our local community. I have been working with some amazing mentors and leaders in the aesthetics industry, learning from my peers and always furthering my education in my field. I am also so grateful for all the amazing relationships that I have developed with my clients over the past three months, and on the home front - the dream is to eventually move out to hills and adopt way too many animals.