An evening for the neighbors of Brunswick picture house to remember or want to forget as vintage choppers and their hardened riders roar in from up and down the coast to catch longtime Thrills pal Timo Tigerblood’s latest film “Halfway to Nowhere”.
An impressive display of old Harley’s built by some legends of the scene gathered, slowly taking over the street. Plenty of beers were served courtesy of Young Henrys as crew listened to the heavy drones of Gory and Crispy playing live in the yard, mingling and chatting bike before the movie.
“Not looking to get lost but for one brief moment I knew exactly where I needed to go and my motorcycle was going to get me there”…
As the lights where dimed and Bruns picture house filled over capacity, everyone cheered Timo into the beginning of his film.
Shot in Australia's own deep south, across the Bass straight all the way through Van Diemen's Land. Timo always dreamed of exploring his own backyard after traveling the world and set his sights on Tasmania.
Through his film, he explores the barren landscapes and rugged wilderness, through the occasional volatile weather... his goal - to capture these machines in an environment void of modern objects.
Whether you were a bike enthusiast or not Halfway to Nowhere was an adventure start to finish, showed the trials and tribulations of riding old motorcycles for long distances and showcased the stunning natural beauty Tasmania has on offer.
With the film done and dusted I’m sure all involved are excited to see what trip Timo has planned next and the movie to follow it. If you missed the film it will be up online for purchase here.