A couple weeks back Brook Power showed us around her hometown Pupukea on the North Shore of Oahu.
We drove around spotting cool places Brook recalled from her childhood.
On our way, we met animal friends along the palm tree lined fences, stopped in for a feed of shrimp at an abandoned house turned skate park and finished up across the street at an old mental asylum...
Q. 3 words that sum you up?
A. 99 percent angel
Q. How did you get drawn into the fashion industry?
A. I had to support my single mom n three younger siblings since I was 17 so I had to find a way to make a lot of cashola as a teen.
I didn't really realise until later the extent of the artistic outlets in the industry.
Q. What inspires you and your artwork?
A. Hot babes, cool nature & crazy day dreams that I like to get lost in.
Q. Last record you played?
A. Ummmm lemme look, it's white fence and ty segull doin some duets lol
Q. How would you describe your style?
A. Sk8er boi cholita cowgirl
Q. Tell us about growing up on the North Shore of Oahu?
A. It was the best place to grow up back then, no yuppies, only country livin. I lived up Pupukea and I just explored in the jungle all day with my dog and picked flowers. I sold avocados from my trees on the side of the road. I had a horse out in Mokuleia and there were tons of cool abandoned houses from the 60s up in the mountains to ride to. We surfed the sandbars and dived the caves and swam in waterfalls. So damn glad I grew up before the total mind control of the internet. We were in our own magic world every day, livin in the present.
Q. Ideal day at home includes?
A. Baby Ozzie snuggles, coffee, living room yoga sesh to Spongebob, pet dogs, pull some weeds in the garden, collage in the studio, bake some cool choco chip cookies, n smooch my hot baby daddy
Q. Tell us something about yourself not many people know?
A. I listen to pop country in my lifted Ford Bronco, not even ashamed, my little sister and I are full on trash
Q. Tell us what you dig about THRILLS...
A. Stuff is such good quality and good fit, that's SO rare in a youthful brand these days. Seems like you guys connect to rad folks across the whooole globe. They know whats upppp