Meet Jacob, our Warehouse Manager & well known Big Dumb Idiot.
Jacob likens his style to Lucille Botzcowski, a kidnapping babysitter from The Simpsons.
Read more about Jacob & his Autumn Staff Picks below...
Q. 3 words that sum you up?
A. Big Dumb Idiot
Q. Role at THRILLS?
A. Resident DJ - still waiting on my contract though???
Q. Last record you played?
A. ZZ Top - Afterburner.
I traded it with a girl for a t-shirt in a very very short lived relationship.
Q. How would you describe your style?
I think my style is heavily influenced by the kidnapping baby sitter Lucille Botzcowski from The Simpsons. Lucille's a true icon who's story has never been heard... But her time will come.
Q. Tell us something about yourself not many people know?
A. I can't whistle.